
My name’s Jasmin, and I write, or at least, I try to. I’ve got a great husband and a fantastic little girl, occasional freelance editing work, and beautiful people to call as friends. I like to destroy the working out I do (running, yoga, bellydancing, aerobics, etc.) by cooking and baking really yummy things. I read a lot. And these days, I’m trying to re-construct what it means for me to be an authentic follower of Jesus.

I find that these things take up pretty much all of my time, and I forget how much writing helps me process my thoughts and opinions, as well as serve as the main outlet for my creativity.  I hope that this blog can be just that – some much needed space for reflecting upon the kind of thoughts that become better when shared.

Thanks Rilke for reminding me that what I need for writing is, “some quiet and solitude and a not too incidental hour.” (Letters to a Young Poet)

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